So Lady Head and I are watching The Wire which we got from netflix.
Awesome show. I have no idea how this one slipped by me.
Well, this is not a review. I love the show - watch it.
Now to the point. Another one of my pet peeves is how they show people eating and drinking on film. It's ridiculous. Older movies I can understand because you can imagine it's a carryover from the theater where you had to make those exaggerated movements to let the audience in the cheap seats see it(see Paul Newman in The Hustler for an example of this.)
But there was a horrible scene in the first season (maybe first episode) of the wire. (I was less enthusiastic for the first couple episodes anyways). So these drug dealers are sitting in the project's courtyard talking about chicken McNuggets. (I found this whole scene to be crappy - it seemed forced regular-guy talk). The kid talking is talking about how rich the guy who invented McNuggets is and he takes a bite of a mcnugget. More talking - another mcnugget. Talks about how much he loves them, tears the remaining nugget in half and eats one. Talks more and finally finishes it. Count it. Young male - four muthafuckin bites for one mcnugget!!!! I almost stopped watching there.
The worst example of this in recent memory was of course on The Sopranos. Which doesn't hold a candle to Deadwood BTW.
The scene where Tony and Carmela are "cheating" on Artie by going to that other restaurant. Carmela's talking about how good the food is and says to Tony that he just has to try the gnocchi. She gives him a forkful and practically the instant it eneters his mouth his expression changes because of hos wonderful it is.
Fuck you. That's shitty acting. At least in the first example with the mcnugget it can be attributed to shitty writing (he needed to make the mcnugget last for his whole speech.) but in The Sopranos it's just bad craft.
P.S. Omar Little is the shit.