Does the head ever stop talking?
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
I'm really disappointed in this show. I gave it a shot. I watched 3 or 4 episodes and it sucks.
I like Andre Braugher in some things despite his fake looking laugh.
Speaking of that, which actor has the most obvious "I'm acting" laugh? I think it's a toss up between Tom Cruise and Pierce Brosnan.
Anyways, back to the topic at hand. I don't like the characters, the acting, or the writing.
This show was going to be The Shield'd replacement on Tues. nights. WTF am I going to do now?
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
What a rock star!
I was just in the can looking through an old Newsweek when I came across a quote from Bono.
He's at a prayer breakfast in Wash. D.C.
"If you're wondering what I'm doing here, at a prayer breakfast, well, so am I. I'm certainly not here as a man of the cloth, unless that cloth is leather."
Thanks for reminding us how fucking cool you are Bono!
What a fucking douche.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Palmer '08!

Sorry I've been neglecting the blog. I was on my last ever mole collecting trip! For those of you that haven't heard me bitch about these, it's basically a week tramping through the wetlands and it's either too cold or too hot, and you never get enough sleep or enough food.
Plus you're dirty the whole time.
Just sucks.
Well, in other news, it's about time I threw my weight behind a candidate for President. Is it early? No, you can't start out too early on these things.
So without further ado, Dennis Haysbert for president! Seriously, I'd vote for his voice alone. Hell, now that 24 is in syndication probably 1/2 the world would already think he was an awesome president.
He'll solve all this shit going on now in a heartbeat.
Turbo, I'm looking to you to aid in this quest. Can Mr. Haysbert and I count on your support?
P.S. Fuck you Jobu.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Monday, April 03, 2006
Hey buddies
As you can see form the lack of posts - I'm in a holding pattern.
I'm getting excited about the new job. Get to learn a bunch of new shit and have to think about things I haven't thought about before. It's refreshing.
I've been concerned about my lack of drinking as well. I drank OK this weekend, mainly due to the fact it was The Ash-Hole's B-day. I was with him in spirit. but basically I haven't been my normal debauched self. I hope this is a phase.
The other day I was driving over J-Money and Mac's house. I was in a bad mood for some reason. Then I say a few Merry Prankster wannabes walking down the road. Dr. Seuss hats, drums, and other instruments - the whole nine yards.
What a bunch of dildos. Wow! You're really freaking people out on a Saturday afternoon!
Uptown Giiiirrrrl! You've been living in your uptown world...
So I thought "What a bunch of anti-establishment poseurs. I should stop the car, get out, and beat them all down - 60's style."
Then 2 blocks later I saw this group of rich assholes dressed in their casual saturday clothes that probably cost more than my best suit. I then thought "What a bunch of establishment assholes. I should stop the car and beat them all down."
Contradiction? No, I think not.
I arrived at my destination in a much better mood.
Thanks anger!