Monday, November 21, 2005


Well season 3 or 24 finished up strong. Almost made up for that shitty beginning.
So now I'm in this weird stage where Netflix sends me DVD's that aren't 24. Going to take a little time to get used to.
First non-24 viewing was the new Land of the Dead. I was excited for it because I just watched the original Land of the Dead. Romero did the new one too and even a bad zombie movie is good. Or so I thought. Good Lord did this suck. Just a really, really horrible movie.

******SPOILER ALERT********
(like that matters here)

Ugh, terrible actors. Dennis Hopper being Dennis Hopper in a role where he doesn't do drugs - enough said. The main character was Simon Baker - completely bland and wooden.
The plot sucked. OK, zombies becoming somewhat sentinent. Sounds interesting. But George managed to fuck that one up.
I did like the fact that they weren't the superfast zombies that have become so popular recently. They are your old school shambling zombies. Problem here is that, while I expect a certain level of "How the fuck did those slow-ass zombies catch that person?" in my zombie films - here it just went overboard. One scene has the zombies banging on the lobby doors of a downtown high-rise for a few minutes while people inside are running away. Then the zombies break through and there's all these fucking people there just waiting to be eaten. Also, the ninja-zombie level is high here. You know how zombies are moaning and shit all the time? Oh yeah, except when you're going into that creepy warehousem shed, barn, etc. then they're quiet as churchmice until you turn around real fast and AAAAAGH! Zombie!
And c'mon, George invented the fucking genre and he can't get the rules right? How do you kill a zombie? Destroy it's brain or cut off it's head. Every movie is in agreement about this. In two situations in this movie zombies were without heads and the head still remained animated (in one this army guy gets surprised by a headless zombie but it whips it's body foward and it's head is attached behing it by a thin strand of tissue whips foward and of course lands perfectly on the dude's arm and bites him).
Then, this is supposedly the last human outpost but Leguizamo steals their supertank thingie (named Dead Reckoning) and wants the evil corporate mayor of the city (Hopper) to pay him $5 million so he can leave. To go where? And why the fuck does he need money if there are no more humans around?
I'd bitch more but time is short today. Topiary Girl is defending her doctorate and I have to get a bunch of shit done before this afternoon.
Let me end with...the ending. Which was the worst fucking part of the movie. OK, Baker gets dead reckoning back and fucks up some zombies that are eating people. Then him, his retarded buddy, a few army guys (and girl), and his hooker girlfriend say goodbye to the survivors in the city (the revolutionaries that were against Hopper - that's another poorly done story in the movie) are going to go to Canada because there are no people up there and no people = good because we're all supercool loners. And they see a bunch of zombies walking away from the city led by the head zombie (that still doesn't make sense). Tankdriverchick goes to blast them but Lam-O Baker stops her saying "They're just looking for a place to go - just like us." and lets them go.
WHAT. THE. FUCK?????!!!!!?!?!?!?!

Ugh. I want that 1 hour 37 minutes back.
The online reviews at are almost all incredibly positive. With people saying how excellent this movie is, etc. Some nerds need to get laid I think.
(yes I realize I just said that after I wrote all of that other crap... shutup)

OK, off to work.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

We're living like savages.

Must get to liquor store today. Running dangerously low on the essentials.
And by dangerously low I mean it. Completely out of whiskey (and whisky), gin, cognac, grappa, pear brandy. Have 1/2 bottle of a middling port and a couple random bottles of wine. Have 1/2 a homewrecker of stoli's. Completely out of stand-on-their-own liqueurs. Only have the additives. At this rate I'll be drinking rum and tequila by the weekend if I don't remedy this fast.
I feel like one of the customers in Assault on Tony's.

Tonight we are going to dinner at the club with Jeff and Kristen. Should be a roaring good time. I plan on beginning the evening with a Tanqueray Ten martini. We will then get a bottle of the wine club's featured white. For the 1st course last time I had the lobster bisque, which was fantastic. Tonight I will try the tableside caesar. Then they better have a rack of something. I know they sometimes have rack of veal which I desire greatly but I will settle for rack of lamb. With the main course we will get the featured red, if it fits well with my meal choice. I will then have dessert, coffee, and a Remy Martin VSOP if they don't have the Germain-Robin, which they probably fucking don't. (until I make them get it).
Lady Head will drive my charming ass home where I will have one or two cask-strength Macallans (which I will go buy now) on the rocks. Then I will rock out to Journey while stomping around the house in my underwear until such time as Lady Head finds something suitable on the teevee or I just decide to go to bed.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Fuck working. How the fuck can I stay home all day and watch the teevee?
Although it hasn't been good to me this past week.

Currently watching season 3 of 24. Man, what a letdown. Crap plot, McGuffin (sp?), Bauer-style ninja-ing, bad guys, CTU SWAT/Delta skills (that's normal though), etc. etc. etc.

They are fucking cancelling Arrested Development. Seriously, what kind of retards are in charge at Fox? Cancelled Family Guy, Futurama, Greg the Bunny, etc. and keep utter, utter crap.

Boondocks on Adult Swim is a nice surprise however. I anticipated hating this show and it's pretty good.

Movie-wise I've got a huge chubby for Walk the Line on Friday. Although we can't actually see it on Friday because we have a champagne tasting that night. 30 fucking champagnes. I'm gonna get llllloooooooaaaaaaaadddddeeeedddd. Cab home I'm sure.

I was perusing and was checking out Sin City 2 which will be wonderful. Also I saw that they are making a sequel to Elizabeth called Elizabeth: The Golden Age. Blanchett may or may not be back as the virgin queen but, more importantly, Geoffrey Rush is back as Walsingham!!! And even better: Clive Owen as Raleigh (man-crush alert!).

In personal news, the Heads have joined to City Club and are living the high life, surrounded by people that can buy and sell us. At least they call me "Doctor." I feel lik e we are in Caddyshack.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Yay you crazy fuck!

Pat Robertson is a hero. And by hero I mean evil, senile fucktard that should be put down like a sick dog. Maybe that's not the best word.

P.S. I still hate that cunt Paglia. But I've already done one of her shitty interviews here and I'm not drunk enough to repeat myself because she's still saying the same cunty things.
P.P.S. A lot.
P.P.P.S. OK, just one - Here's a quote: "My point of view on life is cinematic, as is abundantly clear from my prior books, not only my study of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds for the British Film Institute (1998) but Sexual Personae (1990), where I argue that the cinematic "Western eye" was born in ancient Egypt. Others beside myself have noted how Plato's allegory of the cave in the Republic strangely prefigures a movie screen and theater."

Maybe because they both require you to look at things. Holy shit! Looking at things. With our eyes. Fucking amazing. They're practically identical! Nice job you snobby, stuck-up bitch.

P.P.P.P.S. Dammit I just reread it (I'm a sucker for punishment) One more quote - "As a columnist for from its inaugural issue in 1995, I was also a pioneer of Web journalism."
You're so wonderful!

P.P.P.P.P.S. "The essence of the rebellious 1960s, in which both she and I remain grounded, was improvisation, prankishness, an experimental attitude toward life. "
Gah! You sure are a rebel. No drugs (although she somehow knew how they made you feel and think b/c she hung out with those people) and a cushy job in academia analyzing shitty poems. You certainly are an asskicker.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Disaster averted!

What a weekend. A rollercoaster of emotions.
First we need to backtrack a bit. Weds. night I stayed up 2 hours late to make sure I finished one of the 24 discs from Netflix so I could send it back Thurs. so I could get the last disc of the season mailed out on Friday so I could get it on Sat. and I wouldn't have to wait until Tues. to see theend (it's season 2 - which I hadn't seen before). So by Friday I finished all of them except for the last one. I was eagerly awaiting the last disc. Yes, I am a winner in life obviously.
So Friday I get an email from Netflix. "For Sat: Dr. Strangelove"
WTF??!?!!? That's like 5 spaces down on my queue. Where the fuck is disc 6 of 24 - Season 2?
So I write them a long email saying that this is fucked, I stayed up late, missed work, etc. all in order to time it up right. I get some form letter back saying my concerns are important, they will take them into consideration, etc.

So now I'm looking at like 4 full days until I can find out how Jack Bauer saves the day. Totally unacceptable. You know how 24 is - it's like crack.
Then, being the pragmatist I am, I think - Hey, I still have that Blockbuster Card on my key ring. So I drive way the fuck to blockbuster only to find that they have all of Season 2 except disc 6. It's not rented out, they just don't fucking have it. Man, that must piss off alot of people.

So then I get a vague recovered memory that the guy who runs my weekly poker game has some 24 discs at his house. Great! I call him. Voicemail. Not great.

Then I recall that they just opened a new Hollywood Video near Casa de Head. I call and -angels sing- they've got it! Huzzah! I tell Mathew at Hollywood Video to put it aside, I'll be right in.
Lady Head's got a hankering for a pizza and there's a restaurant right next to Hollywood Video so I order carryout - Life is GOOD!

I get there and they have it, I fill out the application for membership and the guy gives the disc for free since it's my first rental - Life is GREAT!

I go over to the pizza place (first time visiting - it was also new) and find they are cheap as hell. A huge, greasy pizza for $5.65. Life is undescribable!

I go to pay, what's this? Where's my fucking money? I know I had $11 in this pocket. Oh no! Adidas pants pockets strike again! The money must have fell out when I took my wallet out to get my DL and CC for the Hollywood membership. I debit card the pizza and run back over to the video store. No no money found. Ther was this white trash couple behind me. I bet they took the money. they probably saw it fall out and didn't say anything those fuckers. I fucking hate losing money.

Why didn't I have it in my wallet you ask? I respond - shut up.

So my viewing of 24 was bittersweet.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Jesus Christ, does this guy get any worse.

Michael Brown just becomes a bigger and bigger fucktard.

The article stands on it's own. No comment needed.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


I think I talked before about a conversation the Evil Doctor and I had once on how amazing it is when you're educated with an idea and you just can't believe anyone ever believed otherwise. Usually this is in science when we talk about it. His example, as I remember it, is Cell Theory. Because that's all we've been exposed to from the beginning of our schooling we have trouble wrapping our heads around people ever believing an alternative.
I can't remember my example.

Anyways, I kind of got a little of this with all the Rosa Parks stuff on the news. I just can't imagine some guy telling some older lady to get up so he can sit down.
It's amazing to me.

Still feeling poorly so not much else going on.

But I have been watching the second season of 24 from Netflix. Jack Bauer = total badass ninja.