What do you mean you think I have a problem?
So I'm in my liquor store last weekend picking up some wine and - oh no! - I forgot my wallet.
So the manager pays for it himself and says "pay me back next time."
Obviously, I'm an excellent customer.
So I'm in my liquor store last weekend picking up some wine and - oh no! - I forgot my wallet.
Well, I got the job. It's another postdoc. However this one pays considerably more and there's much better room for advancement. Plus I'm going to be doing some really cool shit.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
I hope Matt Dubay gets the everloving shit kicked out of him. Way to try and set a precedent for more deadbeat dads to avoid supporting their kids, asshole! Pay the fucking child support you cheap fuck.
Holy fucking balls. Larry the Cable Guy has his own movie. It's called Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector. I fucking dare anyone to go see this movie. Seriously, double dog dare you.