Tuesday, March 21, 2006

What do you mean you think I have a problem?

So I'm in my liquor store last weekend picking up some wine and - oh no! - I forgot my wallet.
So the manager pays for it himself and says "pay me back next time."

Obviously, I'm an excellent customer.

Monday, March 20, 2006

New Jobbie Job

Well, I got the job. It's another postdoc. However this one pays considerably more and there's much better room for advancement. Plus I'm going to be doing some really cool shit.
Start June 1.
Current boss wasn't thrilled but what are you going to do?

Friday, March 17, 2006

Erin Go Braugh!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Lady Head and I are taking it easy this year sicne she's pregnant. We are watching Mac and J-Money's baby (Cal) and watching movies. However, we went to a kickass wine dinner last night (EOS was featured) and I got plenty drunk. And tomorrow we are going to a Thanksgiving in March Party where... well... I'll get plenty drunk again. So basically my celebration bookends St. Patrick's day.

Please post your St. Patrick's Day debauchery so I can live vicariously through you.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Roe vs. Wade for Men

I hope Matt Dubay gets the everloving shit kicked out of him. Way to try and set a precedent for more deadbeat dads to avoid supporting their kids, asshole! Pay the fucking child support you cheap fuck.
And I really hope he never has sex with a woman again. Well, based on the publicity, that's looking pretty likely.

Git 'r' done!

Holy fucking balls. Larry the Cable Guy has his own movie. It's called Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector. I fucking dare anyone to go see this movie. Seriously, double dog dare you.
Well, maybe the Ash-hole will go see it since he deliberately rented Dana Carvey's The Master of Disguise. Yeah, you heard me.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

"Don't Try"

Well today in 1994 Bukowski died.
They're making the movie Factotum. Any excitement I have about another Bukowski movie is crushed because the star is Matt Dillion. As much as I like Dillion this is very worrisome. Way too pretty and prone to overacting. He'll probably have abs and everything.

Edit: Just saw the trailer and I still want to see this movie. WTF is Marisa Tomei doing in it though?
Also, as KA pointed out. The title is "Factotum" but under that is "(man of many jobs)". I hate that little addition.

Kid Awesome was going to post on this since he's writing papers in grad school on Bukowski - and he's a massive disappointment - which would give his thoughts on Bukowski's work some weight. But when you depend on stinky alcoholics to write something you're often left high-and-dry.

I've bounced around the blogosphere and am entertained by people that don't drink, smoke, or fuck (actually are quite opposed to it) who love Bukowski.

In other news, some guy contacted me with a job offer.
Details to follow.

Friday, March 03, 2006


If he ate, and he ate well; if he drank, and he drank heartily; if he slept, and he slept sound; if he did other things, and he did other things regularly, it was not from need of food, or drink, or sleep, or other things, no, but from the need never to need, never never to need, food, and drink, and sleep, and other things.
This was Watt’s first surmise of any interest on the subject of Mr Knott.
And Mr Knott, needing nothing if not, one, not to need, and, two, a witness to his not needing, of himself knew nothing. And so he needed to be witnessed. Not that he might know, no, but that he might not cease.

From Samuel Beckett's Watt. That's a hell of a quote. I'll try and figure it out later.

For any stoners out there in blogland, do yourself a favor and buy a bag or twelve of the peanut butter and chocolate Poppycock. Thank me later.