Tuesday, May 31, 2005


"Son, never trust a man who doesn't drink because he's probably a self-righteous sort, a man who thinks he knows right from wrong all the time. Some of them are good men, but in the name of goodness, they cause most of the suffering in the world. They're the judges, the meddlers. And, son, never trust a man who drinks but refuses to get drunk. They're usually afraid of something deep down inside, either that they're a coward or a fool or mean and violent. You can't trust a man who's afraid of himself. But sometimes, son, you can trust a man who occasionally kneels before a toilet. The chances are that he is learning something about humility and his natural human foolishness, about how to survive himself. It's damned hard for a man to take himself too seriously when he's heaving his guts into a dirty toilet bowl."
- James Crumley

Many of you have seen that before but I was screwing around on the net before taking off from work and I came across it.
After this weekend there's no way I can handle a martini night tonight but let's all have a few whiskeys OK?

Memorial Day

So the Evil Twin is cohabitating with us. He gets up at about 5:30 every morning and starts drinking coffee and chain-smoking. Then by the time we're up he's usually starting the drinks. Other than that he basically stays in one or two rooms of the house. He goes today to meet a guy for a bartending job and another guy looking for a roomate. Since he's dead-broke I'm not too worried about him getting drugs. Plus to pay his room and board we keep him pretty busy around the house painting, doing yardwork, etc.
Saturday we had a barbecue. Before hand the Evil Twin and I did some patio maintenance. Then I about had a heart attack digging some horseshoe pits.
1:30, the BBQ began. T-Bone and Erin, The Canadians, Our Boss and his gal, Madame Nonesuch, and John and Mackenzie (our realtor and wife) came with their 6 month old son. A good time was had by all. I kept making pitchers of Tom Collinses and margaritas for everyone. The Tom Collins has got to be the best god-damn summer drink of all time. After that I switched to Jack-and-gingers. Typically I'm not a big garnish guy but thelime really makes this drink. John went one-for-one with me when I switched drinks. He, his wife, and their baby actually closed the party down long after everyone else left. (Mac wasn't drinking so don't worry about the baby). Kudos!
Lady Head vomitously bowed out early.
Then next day I was feeking pretty good considering the amount of booze and number of cigarettes I smoked. After fielding some calls and assuaging other's hangover guilt I played some poker. It was awesome. I was playing 2/4 and this one guy had about $80. He got sucked out on when he had AA by some idiot and he about freaked. Then he bought back in for $500 (I usually buy in for $100) and started raising every pot. I mean every one. It was a lot of fun (and lucrative). Basically everyone took turns taking his money.
Then I washed my car. And was about to wash Lady Head's when Mac called and wanted to go out for pizza. So they came over and just before we left the Owls showed up out of the blue for the party (that was yesterday). We had to cancel pizza and we had a few glasses of wine on the patio (which kicked in my hangover somehow). Then I washed Lady Head's car and we just sat down to watch TV and the power went out for 3 hours or so.
Blah blah blah.
Today I'm back at work and actually working.
Talk to you clowns later.

Friday, May 27, 2005


OK, so I was thinking back to the bar days after reading Clublife and have to tell my bouncing story. Don't worry, no look-what-a-total-badass-I-am stories. Just a little history.
I started bouncing in a bar and grill. It was fun. I got the job through a friend and eventually started doing the scheduling and hiring for the other bouncers for two of these places so I was surrounded by my friends from college. And they started giving me bartending shifts. Since this was a bar frequented by the staff from the surrounding places tips were great, especially compared with the low hassle. I mean, the perfect bartending experience has got to be a lazy Sunday afternoon with no manager and your only customers are 10 waiters and bartenders on their day off. The bouncing was pretty easy most of the time except for the fact that we were surrounded by clubs and we closed an hour and a half after they did so all the drunk, drug addled clubgoers came in for sandwiches and try to get drinks. On the weekends there were four of us, one at the inner entrance running the line (at 2:30am the place would get rushed since that's when the other bars close. The inner entrance is the end of a long hallway you have to walk down to get into the bar), with the other three floating around the room. Fights were plentiful but they were the typical after-last-call fights where the combatants were too drunk to really do any damage. Plus the bouncers from the surrounding clubs would also come in for sandwiches so we had tons o' backup. Crowd control was a huge pain in the ass and getting people to leave was Sisyphus and the rock. They just never left. You get them going in the direction of the door, move on to another group, turn around, and the first group's back where they fucking started!

Then I moved to the club next door because a bunch of my friends started working there. It was actually less money, but at the time, I really didn't give a fuck because A) I moved into a nice rent-controlled apartment about 2 blocks away and B) I was friends with many of the surrounding restaurant workers and got deep, deep discounts on everything.

This was different from what I was accustomed to. It was a huge, 3-story, gaudy monstrosity. We usually had 20 or so bouncers working each night. I started on the inside and then went to the door (presumably because I could speak in whole sentences). That was a cushy position because on weekend nights there was a line and people would bribe you to let them in.
My favorite memory here was it was closing time and we were kicking everyone out. One guy came up to me and wanted to go in. I wouldn't let him. He offered me $100 to let him back in. Of course I let him. He walked in, went right up and grabbed a beer out of one of the tubs about 10 feet from the door, and got launched (and I do mean launched) out of the door I just let him in. Figuring he'd want a refund on his hundy (or at least get it pro-rated) I grabbed the bouncer that tossed him and told him to switch places with me and went inside.
Well, that glory couldn't last because eventually every doorman pisses off the cokehead owner. Sure enough, one night I let in some of his pals (the aforementioned middle aged guys with a penchant for fucking 18 year olds. Fucking is used as a verb there, not an adjective) with their "dates", as every doorman here did because if you didn't you'd get kicked off the door. Naturally, being 18 or 19 or whatever, these girls could not hold their liquor and proceeded to get violently sick in the middle of the dance floor. Of course I got rebuked for letting in those underage girls. Then about an hour later, another friend of the owner's came up with some biker guys and asked if they could take pictures in front of the club. I said it's not the club's street so whatever. Next thing I know there's this giant, tattooed fatass riding his bike down the SIDEWALK and stopped right in front of the door. While the photographer started taking pictures he still had the bike running! Not only that but he was revving the fucking engine with the exaust right in front of me! I go grab him and start yelling over the din but before I can get him to leave the owner comes out of his hole and is pissed.
No more door for me.
Then I move inside on the third floor. Best floor to work in my opinion because it's pretty much open air. Plus that's where I met Baby on Board since that was her bar (in her previous life she was one of the star bartenders at this place).

A little on the other bouncers in this place. Some were like me, just college kids making some extra money and not looking for trouble and then there were the hard-asses. I mean these guys LOVED bouncing. Would actually start shit because they loved fighting. This club would have a shitload of fights without these guys but these assholes just made it worse. Some are in jail now.
There were fights aplenty. Crazy, stupid fights. I mean there I am, sitting on one of the huge speakers, trying to see how many cigarettes I can smoke in a 6 hour period and having the occasional drink, and all of a sudden some guy punches (not slaps, punches) a girl 5 feet in front of my face. Jerkoff central. People would steal tips off the bar, break lamps, throw bottles, harrass women, fight at the slightest provocation, etc. In my time here I learned the most popular pastime in Cleveland is taking steroids and hitting each other over the head with beer bottles. I got a great workout trying to pull bloody meatheads apart. The one huge drawback of this posting was that if something started I had to drag the offending jerkoff all the way across this room, down several flights of stairs, across another big ass room occasionally (depending on which exit we took), and then out the door. Once they were outside the cops can take them but the whole time we're getting them there their friends can join in the fun and we basically fight our way out or just tumble down the stairs.

And I thought getting people to leave the other place was bad. Jesus. At closing time everyone is a friend of the owner's, or the DJ's, or the bartender's, etc.

I only have a few regrets. One of them I can't figure out why I feel bad is this: I remember this shady looking gangbanger that was in the club all night. He was alone and I never saw him with a drink. At the end of the night I saw him walking fast alont the side of the room opposite me and it looked maybe like he had something under his shirt. I was about to go over to grab him and see what's what but it had been a long ass night and I didn't want any more unneccessary confrontation and I convinced myself I was profiling. Sure enough, as soon as he enters the stairway I hear "MY PURSE! SOMEONE STOLE MY PURSE!" I fly across the room and barrel down the stairs knocking people all around. By the time I get downstairs he's gone. I give a description to the cops and talk to the girl. She's beside herself. "My whole life was in there!" Normally I would have thought "Why the fuck were you bringing all that valuable shit in here and if it did have so much money and shit in it, why'd you leave it unattended on a table in a giant club?" But for some reason I still feel bad about it. Funny what sticks with you.

Still, all in all, it was a blast. To quote the guy from Clublife: "Where else, besides law enforcement or the military, can you say to yourself, "I don't like what that person is doing, so I think I'll go choke him," act on the impulse, and get paid for it?" I had a great time and made some great friends (well, Baby on Board, but she's worth at least 3 or 4 regular people).

Richard Thompson

was friggin' awesome. As expected.
However, the non-Richard Thompson parts of the show were odd. First off was the aggressiveness. People arguing over seats, etc. Some guy came over from a section in the front to yell at this guy to "quit with that fucking light or I'll shove it up your ass" (the guy had one of those blue penlights and I guess used it during the opener). I can't figure out why the guy was so pissed because he actually would of had to turn around to see it. I mean this wasn't a Pantera concert for Christ's sake.
You can imagine the crowd. The only people near my age were fat (OK, obvious joke here). THe overwhelming majority of other people were I'd say late 40's to 50's. The guys were split between your typical ex-hippie type reliving his youth (when he fought the man) for these two hours before he goes home, and the guys who thinks they've got their own personal style because they're wearing a panama hat (OK, OK Richard Thompson's got that shitty hat but he's Richard Thompson - he can get away with it). Then there were the women. Again, your aging hippies and the wine/fine dining set. Basically people who think they're really laid back and cool but in all reality are Type A assholes. People who argue with the waitstaff and say things like "Do you know who I am." when they're something like a financial planner or music exec.
You get the idea.
Couple of pointers for these people.
1) Learn when to go "Woo!". End of a song, when he's rolling up into an impressive instrumental portion of a song, or when he/she has finished a solo in the song. NOT anytime during a song just because you're on your third microbrew and it's just SO FUCKING GROOVY to be out of the house seeing a show, and the kids are gone, etc.
2) Learn when it's appropriate to clap. OK, some artists have signature songs. Sometimes it's perfectly acceptable to give a little love at the beginning of a song once it's recognizable. It is not appropriate to do this for every song. Especially when he announces what song he's about to play, then he starts, then you start clapping. People were even doing this for his new songs THAT AREN"T FUCKING OUT YET!
3) If you're going to tap your foot or slap your thigh (no kidding) to the music A) make sure you have the right beat, and B) DON'T DO IT SO FUCKING LOUD!
4) Soap. Love it. Don't just stand under the water. Use soap. That's what gets you clean.

OK, that's probably it for now.

A coded message for the Evil Doctor: G-A-L-U-G

Thursday, May 26, 2005

New addition

Note the new addition to the sidebar Clublife

I found this today off of Waiterrant and found it hilarious. As many of you know, the Head bounced for a while during and after college and, as Baby on Board will probably agree, a lot of these stories will ring true to anyone who has worked in a club. It's amazing how similar jerkoff's around the country are.

Richard Thompson tonight!

Also, the Evil Twin got in at 5:30 this morning. He starts looking for work and a room tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

My other car is a piece of shit too.

Pleasantly hungover today. You know when you worked out the day before and you're sore but it feels good. Sometimes hangovers are like that. Good workout last night Head!
The wine dinner was awesome. So much good wine. Except for the one that Lady Head described as "it's like a turd had diarrhea and then the diarrhea threw up". Not the most complimentary description.
Then I have a vat o' scotch and we went home to watch The Shield. Totally badass. The strike team is back, beeyotch!

One thing I forgot to mention is that this past weekend Lady Head had a Stoli's out of 4 different sized bottles. Li'l airplane bottle, pint, fifth, and homewrecker. Not sure why but it seemed like an accomplishment. Congratulations Lady Head!

The Evil Twin is out of jail and coming here Friday. He insinuated he may try to set up shop in our fair city. Details to follow.

OK, back to work.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Well, the Evil Twin is still not here as he has been detained by the po-po in N.O.
Wasn't much information to be had but it turns out it's only open container in a car and driving w/o insurance/ license problems. It's pretty bad when you're celebrating that those are the charges.

Tonight Lady Head and I have the wine dinner at The Acorn. 4 courses, 8 wines so I decided to postpone tomorrow's early a.m. lifting.

24 ended last night.
I always had Keith David doing the narration in the movie version of my life. Now it's neck and neck between him and Dennis Haysbert.

Was a good ending but of course I have huge problems with some of it.


I love how we obviously have no problem with the Chinese ambushing federal agents and kidnapping, holding, and interrogating/threatening/torturing another one on American soil. Even if it was in response to that whole embassy problem it's still fucked up.

That chick that had Tony hostage get's slammed around and head-butted by him and she manages to fight back? Has anyone ever been head-butted? It's almost always a fight ender. Even after that Curtis clocks her with an overhand right, knocking her out and after those two facial-bone-breaking assaults she doesn't have a mark on her. She was hot though so I can see why.

They couldn't get Jack Bauer a car at the end?

There's a lot more but, all in all, it was an entertaining show.

P.S. President Logan needed punched in the face.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Decree from The Head

At The Evil Doctor's request, after looking at Isabella's shitty day, and considering that I may need bracing for the Evil Twin's arrival, I hereby declare that Friday, the twentieth of May, in the year of our Lord two-thousand and five is an Official Martini Night!

Rip it up bitches!

Horn broken, watch for finger.

So I actually enjoyed Star Wars last night. Could have done without every scene between Natalie Portman and Hayden Christiansen but, meh, what can you do? It's not like I'm going for the romance.

I think the Evil Twin is coming in tonight. Not sure because he's the Evil Twin and evil doesn't make concrete plans. Should be interesting to hear why he needed to leave New Orleans all of a sudden. Both his story and the real reason, if I can infer it.

Tonight will be house-cleaning. I'm in charge of our 3 shitters. And the cat-pans. I'm seeing a theme.

Tomorrow I'm hosting a poker game at our house.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

May the force be with you.

New Star Wars tonight on the IMAX.

I've finally learned how to titrate my BAC at poker. Scotch neat. Cuz if it's on the rocks I drink it way to fast. This way I go slower. See, poker for me is kind of a Legend of Drunken Master thing. There's a narrow window of intoxication where I'm truly awesome. To little and I'm merely very good, too much and I'm basically and ATM for everyone else. But now I'm unstoppable.
Plus, since I have a bottle of Glenlivet next to me, many of the other players want some and, let's be honest, I run considerably better with a few scotches in me than these people do. They're either MD's or scientists for the most part so we're not talking seasoned drinkers for the most part. Of course there is The Homeless Guy but he doesn't drink that much. So I get in my zone and they get out of their's.

Why Glenlivet you ask? Well I was drinking beer for the most part at these things. Then, after taking a particularly brutal beat I said "Christ I need a belt of something." And the host said "I have scotch." and he had a lpartial bottle of Glenlivet. So we finished that off so I broght a bottle next week to replace it abut he doesn't drink it so I started and made some money and now Glenlivet's my Weds. night poker drink. yeah, I know, I'm cheating on Macallan.

Fascinating, isn't it?

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Meat Monday

The Evil Twin is leaving New Orleans and coming here for a little while. It seems like he's leaving covertly and in a hurry. Details to follow.

Lady Head and I went to Brooks Bros. last night to gets me a new suit. First time in Brooks Bros. and first time I'm getting a decent suit more than a week before I need it. Needless to say the tie costs more than any of the pants I own but I got a pretty good suit that I look like a stud in. And a pink tie.

Then to celebrate my long-awaited entrance into big boy clothes we went to a new brazilian steakhouse. These places are without a doubt the greatest restaurants ever. They just keep bringing meat until you can't fit any more in. I mean I actually was turning down prime rib and filet mignon. That's how full I was. Plus I'm a fan of the caparinha and they make some good ones there.

Then home for 24 and me getting housed in poker.

Next week could be one of the best weeks ever. Tuesday is a kick ass wine dinner at The Acorn. Broadbent Selections will be hosting "An Evening in France" so we probably can't afford any of it. 4 courses and 8 wines. That reminds me, I have to go to the liquor store today because we are running low on some of the staple hooches.

Then Thursday Richard Freaking Thompson is coming to the Belcourt. I'm super-excited. And then we have plans on Friday to go to Sperry's with Jeff and Kristen.

T-bone (who just graduated med school as whatever med schools call their valedictorian - congrats T-Bone!) and Erin are coming over tonight to watch the first 2 Star Wars since we're going on Thurs. to see the new one. I know, I know, but this one looks more promising. Wookie armies, etc. It'll probably still suck.

OK, carry on.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Awesomely bad movies

OK, so basically too large a portion of the past week has been dedicated to Roadhouse and Roadhouse fan fiction i am finally going to...expand it!
What other movies have achieved a Roadhouse like reversal of quality? You know, where they're sooooo fucking bad they're good.
I nominate Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man, Cobra, Stone Cold, and Commando (may be 1st just because of Vernon Wells and David Patrick Kelly's additions to the normal 80's awesomeness of Arnold).

I just remembered They Live. That has got to be up there.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Jackie Ho

Why is Jackie O such an icon? She basically let JFK use her as a doormat since he liked to "fuck them two at a time" (Head points to whoever ID's that reference). Seriously, how's she a role model? Now Lady Head, there's a fucking role model. Did I ever tell you about how we were on break at Cocktails in the Country and she split my lip? Seriously, true story. And all I tried to do was dutch oven her. POW! I'm bleeding. Anyhoo, we were talking about Jackie. So she let's JFK run around (I know, I know "She had to keep up appearances.") then, when he gets killed, she gold-digs her way into a shipping magnate's bed.
As the Ash-hole said (I think - we were drunk) everyone's all like "She's got such style. And she redecorated some of the White House." And the big controversy about her was that she was a secret smoker.
Explain it to me.

Also, I'll be very impressed by anyone who can tell me what the last line of Roadhouse is. Logan Square peeps not eligible for this.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

This is pretty fucked up.
I don't know where to begin with this.

Chi-town weekend

First off I'm barely functioning here because it was someone else's in the lab turn to buy coffee. They bought whole bean because "it makes better coffee when you grind it fresh." Can you guess the problem? Go ahead, guess. Yep, no grinder in lab. And, since it's summer, the in-building coffeshop is closed. So I got to drag my ass down to Starbuck's if I'm gonna get anything done today.

OK, on to the vacation. Thurs. our flight was delayed so we did not get to the Ash-holes until 9:30. or so. They had liquor waiting so I showed some Manhattans what time it was. Hot Rod, Turbo, and Fat Nick came over and a good time was had by all. I entertained them with witticisms I'm sure.

Friday: woke up and the Ash-hole made a wonderful breakfast and Turbo and Hot Rod joined us. They've got a pretty good gig there. The Ash-holes and Hot Rod live across the courtyard in the same building and Turbo and Fat Nick live in the building next door. Anyways, then we went and played some bean bags, got burritos, and Turbo, The Ash-hole, and I went to The Bob Inn. Ash-hole became Grand Champion of the Bob Inn with a one-ball victory in pool to break the Golden Tee/pool series three way tie (it was that exciting). Then back to the Ash-hole's where he schooled me in HALO.
8pm. Party at Turbo and Fat Nick's. Now this makes me sad because it highlights the HUGE difference between our lives in Chicago and our lives here. Little things like people harassing me in the bathroom. My favorite part was there was a Bush advisor there. Not too interesting in itself unless you saw Turbo explaining to her that elements of this dance (created and performed by Turbo himself) will "Stop Al-Qaeda." and then attempted to teach her the dance to show GW. If that doesn't work we always can have Don do it.
Good times though. Saw The Evil Doctor, Big Dave, The Dean, Tem Brown, etc., etc., we established how much I hate Derrida, lit crit, and community psych at top volume (of course they were all well thought out debates) and I ended up with a beer spilled over my head (unrelated to these conversations). Good times indeed.
After about the 1000th whiskey and 10,000th cigarette I went to bed.

We got up late the next day and originally I planned on hanging out with the Evil Dr. but I was in no condition to be seen. We went over Turbo's for breakfast. Then Fat Nick had to ditch us for a his girlfriend's neice's one year old's b-day party. Classy.
Then we watched and deconstructed both Next of Kin and Roadhouse. Then we spent a large chunk of the day on the treatment of a sequel to Roadhouse. Right now we're calling it Roadhouse 2: Ruffer and Tuffer with the tagline"Bitches are gonna die!" and there's some vampire ninjas (or was it ninja vampires?) in it.
Then to Amy and Jeremy's new place at 5pm for a cookout. We hit the trifecta (cow, pig, and chicken) had some gin and learned all about cheese and sex.

Sunday was a little hazy but I seem to remember vodkas at some Irish place for brunch followed by doughnuts and The Incredibles. Then -scene missing-. Following that BBQ ribs and adult swim.

Monday we woke up, went to The Bob Inn for an eye opener and some Golden Tee and then we ate sweetbreads and steak at El Nandu. A plane ride later and we're home. My back is fucked up though because there was this gigundous fatbody that sat next to us and pushed Lady Head into me and I couldn't sit up the whole flight. And the flight was full so we couldn't even move.
OK that's about all I can remember right now in my half-dead state. Off to Starbuck's!

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Here we come bitches! Posted by Hello
Mere hours from the warmth and good cheer of Chicago.
Here's my prediction:
Our flight gets in at 7:40 tonight. By 8:40 I will have my first Manhattan by 9:30 I will have my first red meat. By 11:40 I'll be charming the pants off of everyone with the witty bon mots that typically surface after the 6th cocktail or so. If anyone doesn't catch them the first time around, that's OK, I'll repeat every one 3 or 4 times. Even if they did catch them they probably still should hear them again because I'm so fucking wonderful and clever.
I'm anticipating a stop at the Bob Inn to make sure the one pair of non-shorts/ Adidas pants I brought gets that nice smoke and whiskey smell for the rest of the trip.
Plus I have to house Turbo and Fat Nick at Golden Tee.
Friday we'll prolly head towards school for manuscript work with Deano and sandwiches from Fontano's. Perhaps naughty early afternoon hooky drinks with the Evil Doctor?
Friday night - Party at Turbo and Fat Nick's. More witticisms I'm sure.
Saturday I'll probably run 5-6 miles and maybe do some pilates. Important to keep fit on these trips.
Following that I'll punch myself in the nuts.
Saturday may be the day I prove I am all that is man by taking a big belt off the whiskey bottle and announcing "I am all that is man." at 8am. Then I will shudder, sweat, and lay back down.
Then to Old Town for the Spice Shop, chocolateria, cigar shop, and The Old Town Ale House.
Then cookout at Amy's.
More drinking/ insightful and hilarious quips.
Sunday will be spent ladling at a soup kitchen and cleaning up litter. Maybe mentoring some troubled kids.
Monday is too far away to tell.
Then back to the hole.

Video game smarts

I just saw this and I thought it was related to my nonsensical post of a day or 2 ago.
Me playing GTA make me smarter than The Evil Doctor.

Also, Tongue Tied is gold today.

Inbred hick Vanderbilt news

And this is awesome if just for the fact that the woman is trying to claim disability b/c she has Hep C.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Beat Downs

This. I'm going to investigate this guy's site further.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

New job

I have another of the top jerkoff professions that I should be in.
This guy lists "Consultant on a TV series in development that will be set in the year 2069" on his CV.

Hilarious Hypocrites

This is too fucking funny.
For you lazy asses who aren't gonna click on the link here's a summary.
A bunch of "Erase the Hate" protesters (anti-racism) in Ithaca thought that the school paper didn't cover them enough so they stole hundreds of the newspapers and threw them away.

Via Tongue Tied.

Video games and 24

2nd topic Sean reminded me of.
I was playing Lady Head's 8-bit Nintendo and was struck by how easy all the games were. Origninally I attributed it to me being older but then I thought that the skills necessary for being good at these things would have been better at the younger age than now. Then I thought that maybe I have more experience at games. Or is it that games now are harder. That's my current theory. It's interesting when you think about it. Because a lot of those games were difficult back then. So we have a massive (at least in numbers of people) increase in visual attention, hand eye skills, etc. from 10-20 years ago With all the technology advances there has to be a lot more non-video game examples of this. Any thoughts on what they are? Mainly thinking about brain stuff.

Also, was 24 like a video game last night when Jack was in the Chinese Embassy or what? I'm thinking Syphon Filter or Splinter Cell.

Huh, lool at that post. Calm down ladies, I'm spoken for.

And Prez Logan, Audrey, and Buchanan can go fuck themselves.


My comment to Sean, and his post, got me thinking about a couple things.

First with movies. I hate when good actors get so big that they start sucking. They completely lose believability (is that a word?). It's not Character X, it's Dustin Hoffman acting like Character X. I know I said this about Paul Giamatti, who's not necessarily a "movie star", but he sucks donkey balls and still has this effect. Anyways, Al Pacino is the poster child for this. And does he have to give a monologue at 120 dB and anguished moans in every movie? You can see these guys acting. De Niro's pretty bad too.

I have several "big stars" in mind that have seemed to resist this but am interested in who you guys think are examples of and against this phenomenon. Plus any explanations as to why this is. Do they just think that they have to show off their acting so much and their work is actually declining or is the problem with me as the viewer in that I've seen them in so many memorable movies that I am looking at them differently?

Monday, May 02, 2005

Bone ripping

What the fuck is going on with Comedy Central? They have some fantastic shows such as The Daily Show, Chappelle Show, South Park, Reno 911, etc. interspersed with some of the most godawful piles of shit ever to flicker on the television. I mean Con? Who the fuck let this dil-rod have a show? The Graham Norton Effect? Blue Collar TV? The list goes on and on. They pay people there a shitload of money to develop good shows and this is the crap that comes out? I guess this isn't specific to Comedy Central or even TV (like those assholes that make movies. I mean Electra?) but it's really noticable recently. [Disclaimer - I have never seen Con and for all I really know it could be the best show ever, but I'm pretty confident it sucks donkey balls].

The very idea that A Lot Like Love exists makes me want to nutpunch myself. I don't get Ashton Kutcher. I also can't stand Paul Giamatti. I know, he's not in it, but he still sucks. Michael Pollard does the same thing so much better. Also, I hate that Thomas Haden Church is getting parts and David Caruso got his career back (I think I'm repeating myself now).

Now to good things. Family Guy is back!
Fox finally wised up. I loved the beginning where Peter listed all those cancelled shows. Seth MacFarlane also said that The Cartoon Network would have some kind of deal for the new shows since they were instrumental to bringing it back. Hope that happens.

Personally, Lady Head and I are going to Chicago this weekend. We're pretty pumped. T-minus 4ish days and counting.

Also, anyone have any Deadwood predictions?

EDIT: OMFG! I just remembered that Patrick "Loverboy" Dempsey is starring in a new show. That's about as bad as Church's return. Kill me now.