Thursday, October 28, 2004


OK killahs. The Head has returned.
Thanks to The Ash-hole, Girl Friday, and Isabella for posting in my absence.
Isabella, you are a mutinous dog. I am considering your punishment as we speak. There is a contingent in my head that is saying you weren't yourself, and your little rant did serve to entrench my peeps in my camp. Perhaps you are a bigger ally of The Head than I realize.
On to business.
Whew! Loooooong trip. Lady Head and I got in on Friday at about 10:30am. On our plane was Mr. Canadian and a new playa to the Headosphere: The Man Without a Country (seriously, triple citizenship - USA, Ireland, and Canada - you belong nowhere!). Well we dropped off our bags and went to this charming little pub. It was cute, the other two gents thought they were all naughty ordering beers before noon. Then The Head started on The Macallan. Kind of emasculating for them I think. After several we parted and Lady Head, MWAC, and I went to our hotel bar where we met our bartender for the week, Sandy. We had some Woodford Reserve and went and watched PPV movies.
Then we were off to dinner at Ruth's Chris. I was feeling shitty until I had a couple of martinis. Then I felt wonderful.
Sat. we went to a Brazilian BBQ place. For those of you who haven't been to one it's heaven. All you can eat. 14 different kinds of meat. They just bring them to your tables on the skewers.
Then we went to the meeting for a little while. Overall, every meeting just reminds me of how much I hate most neuroscientists. Ugh.
That night we stopped into the hotel bar, met up with a gaggle of people we knew. Then we left to meet The Dean and Hot Rod Kane at this other bar. We had some drinks and returned to the hotel bar where we all got wrecked. More martinis.
Sunday, meeting followed by martinis.
Well you get the idea. I presented two studies. The one that I thought was lame got an incredible response. Very enthusiastic. The one that I thought was the good one got merely a good response. Weird.
I'm so wonderful.
The last night it was just The Dean and I so we went out for lobster and martinis.

Overall it was a good meeting. I made some good contacts and potentially started some new collaborations. But man, I coudn't even look at another martini or even olive for at least 2 weeks. As The Ash-hole can attest, after meetings you feel like an arthritic old man. It's breaktime for The Head.

Oh - I almost forgot - I'm adding another event to the short list of things you should actually feel shame about after a drunken night. Pawing or hitting on someone else's wife or girlfriend. Scientists can't hold their liquor.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Requests for a kidnapping have gone unheeded on my own blog. I even went so far as to tell those bastards where i would be.

Some fruit named Apple had the audacity to condescend to me. Today. Of all days. No one condescends to me!!! I am the Queen!! My complaints are always justified and never whiney. Its just that no one properly understands my pain and frustration. . .

Its clear that my readers have mutinied.

Thus, dear inhabitants of this Headland, i have been forced into a noble exile. Until tomorrow. When i mature. Maybe.

As long as i'm here, though, and Head, the ruler, is not, i thought we might just have a casual little discussion about your views on his leadership. I mean, i'm sure you're all loyal and the Head is a wonderful leader. I'm sure. I'm not questioning that. Nope.

It just occurred to me, how great it is that you're all a part of such a profitable blog and how grateful you must be to the Head for his strong leadership and brilliant economic policy.

What? You didn't know this blog was generating revenues? I mean, i didn't think it was a secret. The Head simply mentioned to me in a few emails that the blog was making tons of money, although, it seems most of the profits were generated from the sales of quips in the comments section. I'm sure he was exxagerating, though. He must have been. After all, its not like the Head is sitting around enjoying the goodlife drinking fine wines and liqueurs, sating himself gluttonously on piles of nutritionless consumer-food.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Still feeling shitty

OK, the nice ladies over at the print office let me cut in front of a zillion people to get my and Lady Head's posters printed this afternoon. I gave them a song and dance about how it was my boss's fault it's such short notice, I'm leaving in the morning, etc. All true. They are friggin' saints. I've always done well with old ladies. They love me. Must be my boyish charm.

Speaking of, old lady bartenders are the BEST. Followed by gay man bartenders. They always seem happy to see you. At least the ones I've been exposed too.

Moving on, The Ash-hole has a wonderful post on drinking. By the looks of it him, me, and Isabella aren't feeling too well this week. Stop by and give some sympathy. We obviously need it.

Now to the Sawx. I'm on the fence about it. I hate the fucking Yankees and I hope they all get prolapsed rectums - but I imagine, although I've never lived in Beantown, that Sawx fans are like Cubs fans. Talking about various curses, "next year's our year" - every year, "this is the greatest day of my life" when they win anything, etc.
If that's the case then I hope the Sawx never win anything. Because I hate the Cubs with the heat of a thousand suns.

Hangover guilt.

Inspired by Isabella and my current state, due to the multiple martinis I consumed last night I decided to educate you all on one of the subjects that makes me a wonderful life coach.
Hangover guilt.
How many times have you woken after a night of revelry and was overwhelmed with guilt, shame, etc. about your behavior the night before? Seems like almost everyone has experienced this.
It's just the hangover fucking with you. Alcohol gives you happiness, withdrawal from alcohol gives you unhappiness. It magnifies everything (that isn't forgotten). Chances are you weren't that bad. You were drunk. People knew you were drunk. Hell, chances were that they were drunk too. It's OK. People will understand that you were drunk. Really, how many friends have you lost because of one drunken night? I bet none. And if you did then they weren't friends to begin with. That phone call you made? No big deal. You repeating yourself over and over to that guy at the bar? No big deal.
I'd say over 95% of the time you shouldn't feel bad. Unless you punched someone or got an STD, you're OK.
If you sat alone in your apartment drinking with the shades drawn and the phone unhooked and didn't speak to or see anyone all night, the next morning you'd still feel like you were an asshole the night before (try it and you'll see I'm right). It's just hangover guilt.
Let it go.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

St. Jude is the MC Serch to my Pete Nice

OK sea monkeys I'm back.
The discussion with that guy was a bit confusing. After a while of us talking he seemed to be down with The Head and he asked if I had any questions. So I asked why he was interested in a systems neurobiologist since he wanted someone to make DNA clones for yeast work. And when I told him I didn't do that he seemed suprised and concerned. Very confusing since he contacted me about the position. And he saw my vitae. But then he switched gears and told me that they want to move to a more systems level approach soon and they don't know shit about that. So who knows what's gonna happen there. Not real excited about it though.

After that I needed some cheering up so I left work, went to BK, ate some whoppers and and took a nap with the kitties. Lady Head woke me up and I ate about 1/2 a bag of those candy corn pumpkins. Those are like crack. You just can't stop eating them. They're in a class of foods that you can't stop eating. Such as: Reese's peanut butter cup eggs, Reese's pieces, honey roasted peanuts (or cashews - which is nature's perfect food), cookie dough, whoppers (the malted milk balls - not the sandwich), cheesecake, and Fritos.

I'm gonna be 500 pounds by the time I'm 40. Then Cheddarback and I could not ride the same elevator (zing).

Today I GOTTA get my shit ready for SFN. Gotta get my poster done today so I can get it printed tomorrow. Then Friday a.m. I'm off to San Diego for a week of drinking on the company dime.

Sniff you jerks later.

Sunday, October 17, 2004


OK, Girl Friday had a picture with the caption "Everytime you masturbate God kills a kitten" so I was going to post pictures of our cats to stop you pervs from smacking it. Then I saw a bunch of Chicago pics and figured The Windy City was underrepresented on my blog so here are some pics. That way you all can start putting faces to the people who make lewd comments here.

What else? Martini garnish-wise, I've traveled the entire gamut, from regular olives, to lemon twists, to flavored cherries that used to come with Grey Goose (harder to get so they're off), to cocktail onions (did these for a while). Then, a few years ago, I was at one of the riverboats outside of Chicago and tried anchovy stuffed olives with a gin martini. Wonderful. I know, it sounds disgusting but they're currently my martini garnish of choice.

OK, Adult Swim is coming on and we have a mapping to do tomorrow so I'm off.

Ash-hole, Don, The Head, and The Evil Doctor at Spectrum. I probably won at darts that night and we all left drunk. Posted by Hello

The Heads and The Ash-holes. Nice socks jerks. Posted by Hello

The Evil Doctor and The Dean Posted by Hello

Purkinje and Kraepelin Posted by Hello

Penelope Posted by Hello

TeamBrown2 (Deb), Turbo, The Head, and Cheddarback. Posted by Hello

Turbo (foreground) and Hot Rod Kane (formerly The Kane Mutiny) in the background (Striped sweater). Posted by Hello

TeamBrown2, The Head, and Cheddarback at the Bob Inn. Posted by Hello

Here you go Turbo. His Pimpness in full regalia. White velour tracksuit and congac. Posted by Hello

Purkinje Posted by Hello

Saturday, October 16, 2004

St. Jude

OK, bras. St. Jude finally posted. Go see him (see sidebar, bitches). I'm on the phone with him and he just said "I'm 30 years old and I'll never drink anything better than Pabst. Wait, you're not typing this are you?"
St. Jude is friggin' sweet. Go see him and leave a comment.
On another avenue, go get spices at
We used to go there in Chicago. They got kickass spices. Must haves: Back of the yards seasoning (meat), Ukranian Village seasoning (meat), chip dip seasoning, gateway to the north seasoning (Friggin' sweet on potatoes), and their creamy peppercorn seasoning (awesome on meat, especially roasts).
OK, I'm endrunkened so I'll cut this short. Lady Head is being petulant and I must go care for her.
Head out!

Friday, October 15, 2004

So we went to Boscos for drinks. I started with porters but then won the raffle to tap the cask conditioned keg. Tapped with a wooden mallet, so of course I got sprayed. But I get the first beer out of it, a commemorative glass, and in a drawing to get a trip to the Great American Beer Festival. They're posting the pic online but it's not there yet.
And then we went home and guess what was on... "Zulu"!
Sweet. My favorite character is Colour Sergeant Bourne. He's a total badass. Michael Caine is awesome too. At the beginning he's the typical English dandy and by the end he's battle hardened. Hooky is pretty sweet too.
Beyond that, not much else - read some of "Absinthe: A Cultural History" (pretty good so far) and watched Adult Swim.
Still working on something interesting for the day. Maybe post later.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Alrighty then

So I still have a headache from my impressive performance crushing some Macallan last night and I was gonna go lift and go home.
Buuuut... the lab just got a paper in Nature so we're skipping out early to go drink. Boss's idea.

Yeah, OK.

So I watched the fucking debate last night. Not that I had much of a choice. I did squeeze in "Get Carter" though. Tonight will be "The Italian Job".
The Canadians came over and Lady Head cooked the perfect fall (autumn) meal.
I began with a Boodles martini. Then goat cheese salad. Main course was breaded pork chops with warm applesauce and scalloped potatoes, accompanied by a glass or two of La Chablisienne. After dinner we had Macallan 12yr. I was only planning on having one or two but we were smoking outside, enjoying the fall weather and I saw our neighbors. I invited them over for a nightcap to update them on the progress in the investigation. Long story short, my neighbor and I showed that bottle who's its daddy. Lady Head and I had another dinner at 1am and then we were off to bed.

OK, on to important topics. Being surrounded by academics, I know people who don't drink and take pride in the fact that they don't own a television (or do own one but only watch "important" stuff). The asskicker is that they're always bitching about how busy they are and how little free time they have. What the fuck are these people doing all day? Please, someone explain it to me. I drink and watch a shitload of TV and still have time for cooking, lifting, running, reading, and poker. Granted, not all of these are mutually exclusive with drinking and watching TV but still. If I didn't drink or watch TV I'd have the Nobel Prize by now. What are they doing?!?!!

Also, anyone who has a permanent quote in their email signature, take it out. Seriously. Yes, we know you' re well read and a big thinker but for fuck's sake I have to see that same thing every fucking email you send. It makes you look like an ass. It's the electronic bumper sticker.
The best was a grad student in Chicago that actually has a quote from herself (!) at the end of all of her emails. Yeah, she actually cited herself and everything.

So to end on a quote:

"I need to get my yin and yang in harmony because I... FRIGGIN' LOVE HARMONY!!!"

Update: Check out my sweet new list of other blogs on the side. Props to Isabella for showing me how to do it.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Priceless (link fixed)

From Cheddarback. This is priceless.
I hate that woman. I'm an artiste! I shouldn't have to spell. People shouldn't care if you understand the ART.

OK, fuck it. Lady Head and I are going home to celebrate 1) her Clinical Neuroanatomy midterm being over, and 2) The coppers apprehending the hoodlums and getting some of our stuff back.


Update, Bitches!

The detective called and it's definitely our wine and some of Lady Head's jewelry. He's leaning on "his little buddy" to find his accomplices and the rest of our shit.
Hu-muthafuckin-zzah! This detective definitely looks like he can beat some confessions out of some people so I'm optimistic.
C'mon stuff, come back to me.

Head is tired.

Well, there's nothing better than skipping work on a rainy Tuesday but I guess that the corollary is that it sucks the next day when you actually have to go to work after tasting sweet, sweet freedom the day before.
Yeah, who am I kidding? It's not like I'm breaking my back in a coal mine here. The next week or so will be preparing for the Society for Neuroscience Meeting at the end of the month. Data to be analyzed, figures to be made, etc.
Tonight, in lieu of watching the debate, I will be having a Michael Caine Double Feature. Get Carter and The Italian Job. The remakes both sucked so I'm going to the originals. I haven't seen the original Get Carter since Blockbuster never had it (Thank you Netflix!) and am fairly excited. Michael Caine is sweet. Not the weenie "The Cidar House Rules"/ "Miss Congeniality" Michael Caine ("Goodnight you princes of Sealab.") but the "Zulu"/ gangsta Mikey. Oh, put "Zulu" up there next to BTILC on great hungover Sunday movies. It's friggin' sweet.
Back to tonight. Watching the debates is like an obsession with people around here. I could see it if they were undecided or even able to be persuaded to switch, but all of these people made up their minds a long time ago. They even have little debate parties. Basically it's sit around, drink one beer (maybe two if they're feeling crazy) and spout jerkoff platitudes at the right time. It's a self-congratulating circle jerk. Look at us! We're enfranchised! We care about everything! We're wonderful, and intellectual, and politically minded! Love us! Respect us!
You know these people too. It's like a bunch of creationists having a debate on evolution.
And no Evil Doctor, I'm not saying that because I'm for Bush. I'm voting for Kerry (oh no, it's supposed to be secret! I've fucked it all up!).

Update (9:41): Holy Fucking Balls! I just got a call form the detective on our break in. He asked what kind of booze thay took. He has some juvenile suspects in custody and some recovered property. Some shit (chainsaws, etc.) that isn't ours but there was another victim in the neighborhood. He's going to property storage now and is going to call me back with the names of the booze and descriptions of the jewelry.
Since I had a bunch of unusual/ rare (as in identifiable - since I'm pretty sure only my liquor store sells some of the bottles - and I'm 99% positive I'm the only one that bought a bottle of that calvados since they just got it in) booze taken it's kind of funny that me being a drunk may be how we get our stuff back. First we save $1K and now (maybe - cross your fingers) victory may be ours.

Update 2 (11:34): Oh yeah, "Hero" rocked hard. I'm gonna go see it in the theaters now (fuck you P2P critics - I still consume) b/c it was visually stunning. Ending was kind of blah but all in all it RAWKED! (as Isabella would say).

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Happy Head Day, jerks.

I serioulsy doubt ANYONE is celebrating Head Day besides me. Jerks.
Kane Mutiny you should know to check here for improvised holidays. And start signing Kane Mutiny instead of MCK. That way we won't confuse anyone. Continuity, people.
Maybe Turbo.
Anyway, there's nothing better than skipping work on a rainy Tuesday. I'm currently enjoying a glass o' wine or 3 (Peace - see previous posts.) for Head Day.

Some news.
The Head is really sore from lifting and running. Now, normally The Head is mostly a weightlifter but The Head's weight is moving in the wrong direction so he's running now with Lady Head.
St. Jude is making me take down his fanpage, so it's gone.

So far today I watched Biker Boyz (Yeah, it sucked ass, but both Kid Rock AND Lisa Bonet were in it - the combination was intriguing, even though they both suck, Bawitibaa).
Next I'm gonna watch a bootleg of Hero and A Better Tomorrow (Netflix).
The Ash-hole has an excellent post all prospective grad students should read. Grad school is one situation like this after another.

Now that we have people reading this that have not actually been in a bar with me I will occassionally update you on what makes The Head tick. And plus Team Brown inspired this comment.
Kurt Russell is The Man. He can do it all. Laconic badass (Soldier, Escape From New York, Tombstone,), zany comedian (Overboard, Captain Ron), or can combine tough guy and flake (Big Trouble in Little China, Tango and Cash).
Who else can do this? No one. You never thought of Kurt as the defining actor of our time did you? Look at those movies. On a hungover Sunday you can't do much better flipping around than landing on BTILC.

On a sad note, there was this billboard for Country Club vodka (Never had it and probably never will) on my drive home from work. It had a huge martini glass next to a huge clock permanently set to 5:00. The caption was "It's 5 o'clock Somewhere." (and yes "Somewhere" was capitalized.
I gathered more inspiration and good cheer from that billboard than you couold know. It was there in good times and bad. Now it's gone, replaced with a CC vodka sign showing the bottle next to a lemon, lime, and olive. The new caption is "Plays well with others". Lame. PUT IT BACK!
I was just gonna take pictures too.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Big Ron's World

Since I made a St. Jude blog I decided to periodically gift you all little fragments of Big Ron's world because it's one of the most surreal existences I've ever seen.
I first met BR in college when I yanked The Evil Twin into my room to savage him for breaking all of the 1st floor windows in our dorm. BR was there. Then the next week we got drunk and I saw BR chug the largest glass of Jameson's I've ever seen. He then accidentally pissed on St. Jude's shoes.
Adventures followed.
He then got me a job bouncing in the Cleveland Flats.
More adventures.
Then I left St. Jude and BR for Chicago and graduate school. Now I only see BR a couple of times a year but they're all memorable. BR is amazing. Thug made good.
So now follows the first installment of "The World of Big Ron".
(Disclaimer: We here at The Head don't neccessarily follow all if BR's philosophies. I'm provided them for your education.)

BR 1) I called him 2 Fridays ago at 2pm his time for some motivation. He said "You want motivation? I'm in a strip club."
He then informed me of the three most important things in life. Supposedly if I never lose sight of these I'll always be happy.
Here they are, in this order:
1) Money
2) Sleep
3) Pussy

And he added "You can put gambling up there too. Any gambling."

BR2) Chrissy is BR's gal. They've been together ~7-8yrs or so and he hasn't married her. I've been lobbying though for the last 4 or 5. I first met her in the same place Ron did. In the strip club (I'd love for them to get married. Can you imagine the toast? "When I first met the bride she was naked."). Chissy has sinced move on to a professional job. Ron thinks he can't be tied down. When she wanted to move in several years ago BR refused. She persisted and to get her off his back he bought her a house (BR makes ~20x what I do. And I have a university job. Shit, Chrissy at least triples me - I'm in the wrong business. But still he made it out like he was a player "You see how I got that bitch off my back?" BR, You bought her a HOUSE!). Chrissy got the last word. When BR knocked her up 2 years ago she kicked everyone out of BR's house (except his brother - his probation won't let him leave) and moved in. One time she found out some other stripper gave BR a humjob. She didn't say a thing to BR until after she walked into the club and beat the shit out of the other girl.

BR2a) BR bought Chrissy boobs for her birthday.

BR2b) Chrissy has a kid from a previous relationship. Ron has a beautiful purebred Tonkinese cat. Quote "If my cat and Chrissy's kid were in the street, I'd grab the cat, 'cuz I didn't pay shit for the kid."

BR3) Ron has an escalade and a land rover with TVs, DVD players (always porn) and PS2s in them. Awesome.

BR4) Sitting with me, The Dean, and The Counselor over whiskies (referring to Chrissy): "I don't know why I'm still with her. I used to be broke but still did well with bitches. Now I've got the houses, I've got the cars, I've got the abs. Why am I limiting myself?"

BR5) He and I once drank a fifth of tequila in less than 1/2 hour. Nighty night.

BR6) BR went from drinking Dom straight to bonging beers on his 30th (!) birthday (See previous posts.)

OK that's enough for now. Despite the picture I'm painting BR is a wonderful human being. More to come.

BTW, I'm taking tomorrow off to wait for installation of our security system. I'm going to have my first cocktail at 10-11am CST. Please join me. No work for anyone tomorrow. It's Head Day.

Happy Head Day everyone!

New blog

OK, we here at The Head are arts lovers.
My favorite poet is actually our good friend St. Jude. But he's one of those shy, introspective types that doesn't share his gift with many people. So I decided to start posting some of his poems that I managed to collect.
They can be viewed at
Better hurry b/c once he reads this he's most likely gonna be pissed and make me take it down.

Also, I just had an Italian combo and bowl of chicken asparagus florentine soup form Panera.
I think I just nut myself.


OK. Whopper weekend almost lasted through last night. Lady head and I went to Target for some healing and to start putting out electronic lives back together. We bought a new DVD player and about 20 DVDs. I was going to buy another PS2 but they're out (!). Fuckers.
Anyhoo, we were on our way home via Burger King and Lady Head said she couldn't take any more BK. She has a weak constitution. So instead we got take-out from... Hooters! I haven't been to a Hooters in years. What we remember is they did have some kickass wings so Lady Head wanted to go. The wings were great but I remember them being a lot bigger.
Also, props to BK for FINALLY having an actual Burger King in their commercials.
Moving on, here's what I learned this weekend.
1) I feel pretty disgusting after the All-Whopper weekend. But it was for a good cause.
2) Pantera, bourbon, and anger do not go together with online poker.
3) Mr. Wells, our campaign is fucked. Adult Swim began the [vote griffin] movement. We can't compete with them. It'll split the vote and they're too powerful. I need your input.
4) I came in late as hell today, am taking tomorrow off, and nobody gives a fuck. Sympathy I guess.
5) After long introspection, I still rock the mic that rocks the party.

Sunday, October 10, 2004


Angry, drunken Head. Head smash!
Lady Head is at a wine and cheese party so I'm going old school.
Seriously, I've been drinking bourbon and cranking Pantera (gotta go back to your roots in times of trouble). I'm drinking those little airplane bottles that were in the pinata. Jim Beam and something called Old Charter.
Now Twisted sister's on. I do wanna rock. How did Dee know? Next is a double shot of Quiet Riot. Gotta love Kazaa.
Also it's an all-Whopper weekend. Whoppers for every meal. Now that's really old school head.
You hear me St. Jude?
Get your hands up people. The Head's tying one on.

Important update:
The autopsy show, it was a Shaolin blow
Put on by my family, brought to the academy
of the Wu and learned how to, fuck up yo' anatomy, steadily, calm and deadly
Spatter-head lyrics I lick through your transmit

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Shitty day

We came home form work yesterday and found that The House of Head was robbed. DVD player, DVDs, PS2, PS2 games, Lady Head's jewelry, most of our booze (all of the good stuff), digital camera, purses (including Lady Head's favorite purse, The Coach), and all of our important paperwork: car titles, house title, passport, etc.
The Head Mansion is surrounded by old people so I thought we were solid, since they're home all day. However, there's one side window that can't be seen from anywhere (we're on a dead end street) and that's where they broke in. Luckily none of our kitties got out (weird - since they always seem to want to go out. They're indoor cats and are never outside).
SO now we have to run around, get the locks changed, put in a security system, etc., etc.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Last night

Ahh, what a wonderful day yesterday was. Actually did some data analysis from home while playing poker on the internet. Actually got more work done than I normally do at lab. Had pork chops for lunch. Wandered around outside, fed the duck (oh yeah, some of you may not know - a duck moved into our backyard a couple of months ago. We dug a little pond in one of our gardens and she's been there ever since. Her name is Sippy.)
Then I watched "Ichi the Killer". Definitely had some fucked up scenes that rival any other movie but all in all it wasn't as bad as I thought. Weird though. Ending was a bit off.
The best part of the movie is the henchman, Kakihara. This guy was friggin' sweet. Imagine a psychotic, sadomasochistic Yakuza who gets off on pain. His face is all cut up (so when he smokes the smoke comes out the sides of his face) and he's a total badass. And, the best part is, he dresses like Elton John. Awesome.
Then Lady Head came home and we had sushi. More poker, and then we watched "Every Which Way but Loose". Fantastic (although I do prefer "Any Which Way You Can" - previous posts notwithstanding). Finished the night off with a couple of scotches and Adult Swim and I was good.

On an unrelated note, I've seen several previews for "Friday Night Lights" and this movie is gonna piss me off. What I got from the book is how fucked up of a situation all of these kids is in. Basically the school system sucks, they all have no future, and all they can look foward to is a lifetime of shitty work and drinking beer, reliving the old days on the gridiron and Tiger Woods-ing their kids into football. It was a good look at an economically depressed area and the mentality of the people that live there who only live for football. Reminds me of Youngstown. Especially all of the people in my grandfather's bar (third reference in this blog!) and my old sadistic assistant coaches. Ugh, flashback to 2-a-days. Sick fuckers.
Do you think this is what they're gonna portray? Fuck no. They're gonna pretty it up and make it a feel good movie where they're underdogs win against all odds.
Maybe they'll suprise me but I bet not.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Working from home today

So wonderful. I'm actually getting shit done for a change too.
Having a great day.
Everyone go home early today.
Do it!

Update: Go see our good friend The Ash-hole's first post. And visit often.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

The Head drunk AND hungover at the same time.
OK. Here are some pictures form the beginning of the summer when the Ash-holes and The Kane Mutiny came to visit.Posted by Hello

Lady Head and Mrs. Ash-hole. Posted by Hello

The Ash-hole lining up his shot in our backyard croquet game. Posted by Hello

The Kane Mutiny - Victorious. Notice the sweet beer coozy. Posted by Hello

C'mon Ash-hole, it's like whitewashing the fence. You're relativel sober. Posted by Hello

Slow down Andretti. Posted by Hello

Our poolgirl - The Kane Mutiny. Posted by Hello

I love to smoke. Posted by Hello

Head down! Head down! Posted by Hello

Madam Nonesuch down! Posted by Hello

Texas murder defense. "He needed killin'." Posted by Hello

Great idea number 5,437. Posted by Hello

Head Down! (Part II). Posted by Hello

Nursing me back to Standing you pervs! Posted by Hello

The Canadian, Madam Nonesuch, and Lady Head decide to get a better vantage point. Yeah, it's like 3 am. Posted by Hello