Thursday, March 31, 2005

R.I.P. Nacho Posted by Hello

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Sucky Tuesday

Nacho is hospitalized. They don't know what the fuck is wrong withe her.
We find out today if it's something she can get past.
I had a lot of stuff to blog about but today is sucky.
Someone guest post.

P.S. Jesse Jackson is a whore.

Friday, March 25, 2005

First Head Awards

That sounds weird.
OK here we go.

Best President - TR
Best Baldwin - Daniel
Best Scotch - Macallan
Best pop singer who thinks he's not - Billy Idol
Best band I've discovered the past week - Against Me!
Best Roberts sibling - Eric
Best Cartoon Character - Homer Simpson (the original but his reign is being threatened) [Runners up: Carl (ATHF), The Monarch (Venture Bros), Cotton Hill (King of the Hill), Peter Griffin (Family Guy) , Captain Murphy (Sealab 2021)]
Best Noncartoon TV show - Deadwood [runners up: The Shield, 24 (ninja), Carnivale, Arrested Development-honorable mention)]
Best Founding Father - Jefferson
Best casino game - Craps
Best main course - rack of lamb
Best Digestif - Calvados
Best Digestif for watching TV high - Germain-Robin Grappa
Best Boxer in his prime - Roy Jones Jr.
Best Scientist - Darwin (runner up: Einstein)
Best Movie (Drama) - Miller's Crossing
Best Movie (Comedy) - Super Troopers
Best Movie (Action) - Blade
Best Worst Show that I Fucking Hate and Pray to God does not have another Season- American Idol
Best Intellectual - Christopher Hitchens
Best Bathroom in Head Manor if you're Hungover - The one off of the living room
Best Book (nonfiction/nonbiographical) - Guns, Germs, and Steel (Jared Diamond)
Best Book (fiction) - Moby Dick
Best Biography - Adolf Hitler (Toland)

More to come.

Thursday, March 24, 2005


Hilarious word.

A good friend of ours recently left grad school. He was a smart guy, etc. but just was sick of the bullshit. And there's a ton of bullshit in science. See many scientists are basically nerds that now have power. Lady Head has talked about this on her blog. They have Bigman Syndrome. They lack social skills, managerial skills, etc. and to get where they are they've given up any life outside of the field. So some harbor resentment and some just are petty assholes in general. Of course they want you to work a billion hours a week and give up your youth because "You love science." (I'm pretty sure I posted on this topic previously)
Where was I? Oh yes, our friend Jeff. See, after he left (he's now our financial advisor at Edward Jones) I was at a soiree at the Owl's and Jeff's former advisor was there. And he was saying Jeff was smart and all but the upshot was "He wasn't cut out for this.", etc.
For some reason, the very thought of these Bigmen smugly (and sweet baby Jesus are they smug) saying that about me fills me with a white-hot rage. If I ever quit science I would have to kill them all.
That thought is enough to keep me plugging away when I really feel like quitting.
Am I an immature child? Yes. But hey, if that's how I get through this overhyped apprenticeship then I'm gonna use it.

Not feeling real awesome today.
Awesomeness level: Stephen Dorff in Space Truckers.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Saw Isabella's recent post and thought I'd share a lesson.
I was in Chicago, standing on the el platform (an OUTSIDE platform) waiting for a train and smoking a cigarette. Some voice behind me says "Hey, no smoking." I turn and say "Fu... Oh I'm sorry officer, I'm not from here." (I was).
Krupke: "Didn't you see the sign?"
Me: "No."(I was standing next to one)
Kruptky "ID please."
Me: "OK" (Internally I was worried because I was stoned. But relieved because right before the cigarette I was smoking a bowl. Glad he wasn't there 3 minutes earlier.)
Krupke: "OK I'm gonna write you up." (obviously did not notice that I was "from here" when he saw my ID)
Me: "What do I have to do with this?"
Krupke: "Nothing really. If it goes to court you have to pay $25 most likely."

Cue to a month or so later. I get a letter saying that I missed my court date and now owe $500.


After a few calls I went to court. Had a meeting with the prosecutor in an antechamber and she looked at my paperwork for about 3 seconds and said "$50". I said I was amenable to that and I took the train home.

To conclude. Even though I got it reduced it was still a $50 cigarette. $53 if you count the train rides to and from the courthouse.

Moral: Don't smoke on train platforms.

Career change alert

Fuck science, I should be a "Public Intellectual." You know, make up some nonexistent field (is that tautological? Make up and nonexistent?) cram a few big words into talks that can be replaced by better, clearer words (like tautological?) and go on a speaking tour. Screw working.
Seriously, I fucking HATE "public intellectuals". Total douchebags. "I'm so smart everyone should listen to me so I can tell them how to think." That's not a career, you're not "necessary" (some asshole actually said they're "necessary") you're the asshole at the end of the bar who won't shut his fucking mouth until I stroll down there and pop him. Sorry, I was reeeally drunk.

What's your field?
WTF! (nut punch)

And what's your field?
American Cultural Criticism.
WTF! (nut punch)

And you?
Gender Theory
WTF! (exasperated nut punch - my hand is getting sore).

Pompous asses all of them.

And separately, most philosophers? Also douchebags. And most modern philosophers aren't actual philosophers in the traditional sense. They're historians. Of philosophy.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The harsh, useful things of the world, from pulling teeth to digging potatoes, are best done by men who are as starkly sober as so many convicts in the death-house, but the lovely and useless things, the charming and exhilarating things, are best done by men with, as the phrase is, a few sheets in the wind. ~H.L. Mencken

Friday, March 18, 2005

Yay Lady Head!

She takes excellent care of me. Because, let's face it, I'd be dead or in prison otherwise. Or at least living in squalor.

Weds. night is poker night as you know. I usually leave work at 5:30 or so. Then I go home and maybe eat something, maybe play with the mammals, maybe play a few tables online to warm up. Anyway I leave for poker at 7:15. If I'm doing well I get home between 12:30 and 2. Usually I'm ravenous but too tired to do anything about it.
So this past Weds. I get home about 12:45. I'm 1/2 in the bag and ravenous. But i'm also 1/2 in the bag and tired as fuck so I'm just gonna shower and get into bed. I crawl in and Lady Head wakes up and asks if I'm hungry. I say I am and she says go look on the dining room table. Muthafuckin' Hardee's. Just waiting there. She's a friggin' saint. She doesn't even like Hardee's.

Also, yesterday was hilarious. the one time I don't get to the lecture hall early to make sure everything's OK the damn computers won't read my powerpoint file. Class starts at 1:10 and it's 1:08. So I start running around trying to find a phone. Finally I call Lady Head and ask her to run me over another copy. Run me over another copy across campus. So I got back to my room at just after 1:20. Said fuck it I'll just lecture on the board. So at 1:35, just as I was about to enter my first data figure (I had no idea how to do this on the board) Lady Head bursts in to save the day. She ran acroos campus in heels.

So brava Lady Head. Brava.
Hoist one tonight in honor of Lady Head keeping me safe and relatively clean.

McGuire Angry. McGuire SMASH!

I can't stand turning on the teevee and seeing the fucking steroid-baseball-congress shit. You fucking douchebags. Is this the best use of your time? I mean, we are at war, 2 wars actually, the economy is shit, judges are getting slaughtered, gay people are getting their civil rights trampled on and you're worried about some fucking juicers in a professional sport?
Have you watched any of this crap? "Mark McGuire didn't say whether he took steroids or not." Oh, gee, now we'll never know for certain. Give me a fucking break. Of course he's a fucking monkey!
They all are! Giambi, Sosa, Canseco, all of them. Are you assholes blind? McGuire used to be a little skinny guy and practically overnight he became the fucking tank that he is. And do NOT give me this shit about "Oh Head, they have pro trainers and dieticians and can work out all the time. If you had that you'd see a huge difference too." I also hear that for all the actors too whenever someone packs 35lbs of muscle on for a role. In 4 months or so. Now I've been a serious weightlifter for 16 years. I've competed at it. Plus I'm a biologist. I'm fairly knowlegable about what the human body can and cannot do. OF COURSE THEY'RE FUCKING MONKEYS!
"Why would they ever want to do that to themselves?" I don't know, for millions and millions of dollars maybe?
And they always have the human interest story on how steroids ruined someone's life or someone's kid is in jail/dead now because of steroids. I love how they always describe the person when they were on steroids. "He was out of control. Once he got mad and punched the wall with his bare hand." Not that! Reminds me of this one time I was talking to this woman and she was saying her boyfriend was abusive. I was very concerned (the Head does not like domestic violence and will beat you down if you touch her you ignorant hick). Turns out he punched a wall once.
Give me a fucking break. People punch things when they're mad. Do you know how many walls and doors I've punched in my time? At the Head's ancestral home there are several strategically place pictures that cover evidence of my wrath. I've broken innumerable phones, several rearview mirrors, two car stereos, and one steering wheel. I've even punched an aquarium (no water in it, it was for an iguana). Is that because of steroids? No, I'm just excitable. I think it's a good sign that I'm punching an object.
"He was getting in fights." He's 19. That's what 19 year olds do.
"He was withdrawn and sullen." See above.
Am I saying that steroids don't cause mood changes? Well, I'm gonna Michael Moore you and go against the last few things I said: of course they cause mood changes. My point was how funny I think the stories are.
Back to the issure at hand. It's a professional sport. They're basically gladiators performing for our amusement. I say let 'em juice. Make for a more exciting game. More homers, better dunks, harder hits, all thanks to science. I hate the "Ruthian-home run/ smell of the grass" folks. "But it ruines the integrity of the game." "They're supposed to be role models." Fuck you, I wanna be entertained. I'll raise my own damn kid.

And now, for the Evil Doctor.

Uncle Jesse is an asshole. He's always against whatever criminal element is currently in town. He's a bootlegger! "Oh, those drug smugglers are evil but there's nothing wrong with some old white lightning. I'm a patriot." He's the fucking criminal. I'd love for ATF to kick down the door and take him away.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Erin Go Braugh, bitch.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
We here at The Head have always been firm supporters of the holiday. But let's be real. The reason's pretty obvious. Yeah, screw the Irish - let's get drunk! (Every year the Evil Doctor gives a nice little mini-rant on how it should be called "Everybody Get Drunk Day." Obviously his Irish sensibilities are offended by the green beer and leprauchans.)
Somehow the Owl managed to trick me into teaching today. So I'm not drinking yet. But at 2:20 CST I'm done and am high-tailing it out of here to tie one on. The funny thing is, my lecture today is "Aggression". Seriously, on St. Patrick's Day. How apropos. Didn't even plan it that way.
Also today it's Match Day for T-Bone (the Nashville one - not you Fat Nick). This is where all the graduating med students find out where they're doing their residencies. It's webcast so all of us in lab are gonna watch it.

Also, this pisses me off. For two reasons. One is Churchill took a big pay cut when he stepped down from the chair and he still fucking makes 94K???!?!!? In the fucking humanities? With no Ph.D.? That's fishy as hell. God-damned extortionist is what he is.
Shit, those "little Eichmanns" in the WTC were his socioeconomic peers. What a dick.

More importantly, I hate that "let's get rid of tenure" thing. Fuck you. That's the brass ring for me, bitches. You think I'd be putting up with this shit for this long if I didn't have the dream of getting tenure and then telling everyone to fuck off, work an abbreviated schedule, hot tubs of strippers, etc. C'mon, for every one asshole like Churchill there's probably 3 of me. Just a kid trying to make it in this crazy mixed up world while doing as little work as possible. I won't be offensive. I won't get in your way. Just give me a nice fat paycheck, an office, job security, and minions and everything will be cool.

Awesomeness level: Gabrial Byrne (since it St. Patrick's Day)

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Annoyiing food people.

I hate how "peasant food" is so popular in fancy restaurants and with fancy, stuck-up people. And they charge through the nose for it.
Disclaimer: I'm not saying I don't like the food, often it's wonderful. It's just that regular poor people food is now all high-falutin' to these assholes.

Seriously, I'm not paying $8 for a side of fucking POLENTA. It's fucking cornmeal mush you asshole.
I'm not paying twenty bones for corned beef and cabbage. (although I love corned beef. I can't wait for a nice restaurant to serve corned beef hash - although it will prolly be on the menu as "pomme de terre de boeuf de maïs")
Hey, makers of Chopin, I like your vodka and all but if I hear one more twit tell me that it's a better vodka because it's distilled from potatoes "like good vodka is supposed to be" I'm gonna punch them in the face and then fly to Poland and punch you all in the face (little help, Ash-hole?).
First off, vodka can be made from anything. It's distilled so much that it's basically a diluted neutral spirit you fucking pratzes. Secondly, the reason vodka was originally associated with potatoes was because the people that were drinking a shitload of it were poor and couldn't afford other high-quality grains and shit to make their booze. You guys are douchebags.

Sorry. Just saw corned beef and cabbage on a menu for St. Patricks. And it was like $18.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

My conversation with the Evil Doctor

So the Evil Doctor and I trade a lot of emails and telephone calls. Mostly extentions of our barroom conversations where we blow our own minds. In fact both our blogs came about because we were writing so many wonderful emails. But you poor souls never get to see the "behind the scenes" at Head/EvilDoctor. So below is an telephone exchange we had recently.

Head: So [Evil Doctor] I was thinking of that recent book by [smart guy] and didn't you think xyz yet not abc?

ED: You dim bulb! I have no time for brain thingies. What are they called? You know, the things that come out of your head?

Head: Thoughts?

ED: Yeah them. No time godammit. I love the nightlife, I got to boogie.

Head: But don't you agree that [staggeringly brilliant observation that would make your head explode if I actually typed it]?

ED: Why are you bothering me during Starship Troopers 2? I love Phil Tippett's direction. You actually feel what it's like to be there facing giant bugs.

Head: You know ED, technically those aren't "bugs" since they aren't of the order hemiptera. (Although maybe that big tank-like one that shoots flaming acid would be)

ED: You and your damn book learnin'. Where are my pants?

The rest of his end of the conversation degenerates to guttural grunts and some high-pitched keening.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Fuck you.

As you may know, I hate those "Truth" anti-smoking ads. They make me want to smoke. And they should make you want to smoke. I always assumed since it was the cigarette companies' money that they intentionally made them the suck (Hun, that one was for you - if you're still around here).
This fuckhole actually thinks they work because they're "hip". What a douchebag.

So I consider my readership fairly knowledgable and will often look to you for answers that I don't know. So, I don't understand why I'm seeing so much advertising for yellow pages (especially "The Yellow Book"). Now maybe I'm wrong, but for me, the phone books magically appear annually on my doorstep. I don't pay for them (that I know of). Do they want me to call whoever is in charge and tell them "I want 'The Yellow Book', not the other book, goddammit!"?
Someone explain it to me.

Weekend was good. Friday I can't really remember what we did, something about movies, etc.
Saturday we went with Madame Nonesuch to see her beau's band. Pretty kickass time. Madame Nonesuch is a classy gal. She can hang. So, I managed to have 6 gin martinis and wow, did that suck the next morning.
Woke up, ate some leftover burgers, watched TV and played poker. Had a couple o' Carlo Rossi's to dull the pain and made it through the day.

These 3 days (Sun, Mon, Tues) are what I've been looking forward to all television year. Sunday is Deadwood, Carnivale, Arrested Development, and Adult Swim. Monday is 24, where Jack Bauer (the ninja) must make a bunch of company paramilitary men his bitches. Then, oh then, Tues is the season premiere of The Shield. I'm so excited I may crap my pants.

Todays awesomeness level: Tom Jones. 'nuff said.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Martini Night

Evil Doctor has announced to me that tonight is a Martini Night.
Please act accordingly.

Hesh wants poppers!

Congratulations to Sealab 2021 for coming out of it's slump with Casinko. One of the few truly quality episodes since Harry Goz died.

Also, Robot Chicken is friggin' awesome.
Adult swim needs to work on their scheduling though.

Moving on. People are stupid. I mean real fucking idiots. Everywhere. I'm reminded of The Onion article "People at Blockbuster Saying Incredibly Stupid Things", or something like that.
Everywhere I go, just morons. At the gym, at coffeeshops, at bars, when we go out to eat, EVERYWHERE!
Just because it was in a magazine doesn't mean it's true. Just because it was on the teevee doesn't mean it's true. Just because you read it in a shitty NYT bestseller doesn't mean it's true. And, of course, just because you heard it on that fucking shitbox NPR does not mean it's true.
Yeah I'm all impressed that you read "smart" books. You know what? You're an idiot. You know what else? That author is an idiot too. You know who writes books on science shit? People who either A) Suck at actually doing the things that expand the knowledge of that field, or B) Used to be good or promising at expanding knowledge in the field but somewhere along the way got lost and now is disconnected from the field and writes shitty books for slow-witted assholes like you.

I like Jared Diamond though.

On an unrelated note, I'm reminded of one of my favorite Family Guy exchanges:

Peter - "Hold on guys, I think I read a book on this once."
Brian - "Are you sure it was a book? Are you sure it wasn't... nothing?"
Peter - "Oh, yeah."

Note the addition of Big Botched Blog on the peeps list. Go visit. I think he's on to something.

Edit: I completely forgot to give my awesomeness rating today.
My Awesomeness Rating is: Alan Ford.

Thursday, March 10, 2005


I saw this on the news today and found the article via Tightly Wound.
I hate bumper stickers almost as much as BAW does. Basically, if you have a bumper sticker, you're an idiot.

Lady Head is giving me grief because in the last couple of days I've had whoppers for 4 meals. As you can see, the boycott is off. It wasn't planned. See we were coming home the other day and I was fucking stawwwwving. So we were gonna pick something up from somewhere else but my conditioning kicked in and I made a turn towards home instead of towards the other restaurant. I angrily decreed that "Fuckin' a, I'm stopping at the next fucking restaurant." Which, as you could probably have inferred, was BK. I got a couple whoppos and fries and headed home. I had it then and for breakfast the next day. Then, last night was poker so I had to eat quick. BK again. And again this morning.
Lady Head seems to think that there's some relationship between the whoppers, my new obsession with cooking with duck fat, and those clothes gremlins. They're obviously feeding off the residuals. I need to start taking the garbage out as soon as I'm done eating.
I'm pretty awesome.
And I forget that for a while. So now I will start rating my daily awesomeness.

My awesomeness level today is: James Caan. Godfather, Way of the Gun James Caan. Not Mickey Blue Eyes James Caan.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Martha and Deadwood

Oh yeah. For various reasons, the Martha party ended up getting moved to someone else's house. We went over and brought some wine (our default Martha drink) since you all suck. We drank some toasts to Martha and then watched an awful movie: Bram Stoker's Way of the Vampire. It was ridiculously bad but our host's sister is a production-something in Hollywood and she worked on (and had a small role in) this movie so she sent it to her. It was bad. Really fucking bad. The best part was the "Making of" and behind the scenes parts. The director and main actors really consider themselves serious craftsmen. The whole budget was 70K which is a lot of money for me, but for a movie - um, no. Went home, had more intoxicants. All in all, a poorer Martha celebration than I was planning. I had 8 "Living" episodes on the DVR and was gonna decorate and make theme drinks but sometimes politics must trump plans.

Saturday was Headstock. Kind of fuzzy what happened. I remember watching The Stupids however.

Sunday was Deadwood. Fucking wicked awesome episode. The Canadians came over. Right before they arrived I had 4 King Dons (AKA Ding Dongs) so I wasn't feeling too well. So I decided to drink. They are in training for whiskey drinking. After 3 or 4 Jack rocks I said "Hey [Head], WTF are you doing? It's fucking Deadwood." So I started doing shots of Wild Turkey (because it's the harshest stuff I have - therefore giving a more authentic old west feel. I always think the whiskey there must have sucked ass). Lady Head was brutalizing a bottle of Tullamore Dew (her new relaxant - see her blog). By the time Carnivale came on I was especially witty and charming. The Canadians left and we were on our own.

Somehow it's Weds. now. What's going on?

We made our arrangements for Cocktails in the Country. Instead of flying into Manhattan and spending the night we are flying directy into Stewart for 2 extra days there. It's gonna rawk hawd.

Sorry Bella, not as exciting as originally promised.

Fucking little goblins

So these gremlins have been stealing my clothes at night and retailoring them. Those sick little bastards make everything smaller.

Did not watch The Contender. But I am mad at it. A reality boxing show, and Sylvester Stallone gets top billing over Sugar Ray Fucking Leonard???? I mean I like Rocky and all but c'mon.

Sore. Soooooore. Legs hurt. Back hurts.

Nala is finally coming out of that fucking room and interacting somewhat with the others. That makes me very happy.

I've noticed I can't type, spell, etc. today. It's been tough writing those sentences so I'm stopping.

I was thinking about the questions asked at the doctor's and I always answer that I'm a "moderate" drinker. In all actuality, I'd would guess I'm a "heavy" drinker.
What adjective would you use to describe your drinking and explain it please? "Heavy" is >4 nights a week >4 drinks a night but doesn't affect work and you rarely drink at work (hardly ever here but in Chicago ED, Fat Nick, Don, et al. made me.)
"Social" is less than 3x a week, 2-6 drinks an episode; "Problem" is conistently (as in on the order of years - we all go on benders for a few weeks) 6-7x a week, >8 drinks/day. "Occasional" is <1/week.
I'm especially eager to hear the Chicago folks' lies.

That line of thinking started because Bukowski died today in '94. I'm becoming less confident in me being a "heavy" drinker but am having trouble finding a better description.

P.S. I love his tombstone. It says "Don't Try" on it.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Friday, bitches!

Martha Stewart party tonight. You guys are all assholes for not suggesting drinks. Do you know the pressure I'm under here to come up with something good?

Sunday is Deadwood Day! (and a new Carnivale) I usually get pretty well to' up doing shots of whiskey the whole night to get into the show more. Plus I don't shower and I let Lady Head kick the shit out of me. She's a raging psychotic (full of that angel's dust).

OK. Why is Little Jon in every fucking song for the past year? And his whole career is based on 4 phrases: "Yeah", "Let's go", "What?", "Okay!"
I think I'm missing one or two but you get the idea.
Sorry, I just realized that sounds like the beginning of a bad stand-up bit.

Why has Clancy Brown become a respected actor but Brian Thompson hasn't? People used to confuse them all the time. There can be only one!

After a week and a half my iPod and iPod charger were finally in the same building so I have protable music again. And this is the first time I actually did work in that time. Coincidence? Or has my sweet "Pimp" playlist have something to do with it? It's actually a workout playlist (hence the heavy rap representation) but I needs to get going at work so it works as motivation there as well.

Here it is:

Fatal - The RZA
Cali Folks - Styliztic
Terrorist Threats - Westside Connection
Natural Born Killers - Dr. Dre and Ice Cube
Smooth Criminal - Alien Ant Farm (Still love this song)
High Plains Drifter - The Beastie Boys (a classic off their best album)
True Crimes - Bishop
Let's Get Retarded - Black Eyed Peas (still sticks with me - it's a happy song)
Raise Your Hands - Bon Jovi (Raise 'em bitches)
The Stroke - Billy Squire
Clan in Da Front - Wu-Tang Clan
Emerge - Fischerspooner
Eye of the Tiger Remix - Ice Cube, DMX, et al.
Fist Full - Cypress Hill and Defari
Let It Rain - Cypress Hill
No Rest for the Wicked - Cypress Hill
Quarter to Three - Gary "US" Bonds (I have this scratchy version that sounds like it's coming from a record player - awesome)
Saturday Night Fever - Lords of Brooklyn (super cheesy but it makes me giggle)
She and Mrs. Jones - Lords of Acid
Voodoo-U - Lords of Acid
California Dreaming - Tupac and Dr. Dre (one of the all-time top songs)
Gypsie Good Time - Kid Loco (Slowed it down at the end - grabbed this off a different playlist - I love Kid Loco)
Madroad Driving - Johnny Depp (probably my all-time favorite thing evah!)

OK. As you can see I am bored since I just transcribed my playlist I'm listening to.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Important News

You can't do much better than kielbasa.

That is all.


Not much to report.

Finished GTA.

Winning at poker. Of course I just cash out money and give it to Lady Head.
Last night made a final table in a 7-card stud tourney. Was 3rd in chips. Then there was a disconnect between my brain and mouse-clicking finger. My brain kept saying "fold" but my MCF kept pressing "call." Out in 7th. Got some cash though. I think I like 7CS better than hold 'em.

Ummm, worried about my drinking. Actually my lack of drinking. While frequency is up (due to the wine tastings), total volume is down. I actually have one whiskey nights. What am I? A moderator? Fak no. Needs to get my drink on, STAT! Motivating thoughts appreciated.

Well, Deadwood starts Sunday, Carnivale is sweet, The Shield starts soon. I have a reason to continue.

Oooh! I almost forgot. Martha gets out of jail tomorrow. We are having a party. I recorded a shitload of "Living" and we are gonna watch them all and drink. I haven't thought of a good theme drink for the party. Suggestions appreciated.